Popular Treatments
Chiropractic treatment of the incapacitating pain of Tennis and Golfer’s elbow can really help patients. As well as other elbow injuries and joint pain.
The knee is the biggest joint in the human body, so if it is painful it can be extremely difficult to maintain proper activity. Chiropractic is very effective at restoring function and decreasing the pain in most knee conditions.
Feet and Ankles
29 small bones make up the foot and ankle, so there are lots of joints that can require Chiropractic treatment, and we treat them all. We often encounter painful toes that have led to limping and subsequent low back pain and other problems, therefore it is important to try and resolve toe pain quickly.
Wrists, Hands and Fingers
There are 27 small bones in the wrist and hand! All those bones join together so the complex amount of joints and the fact that we use our hands to do everything, mean that most people suffer with some hand pain during their lifetime whether they do manual or desk work. Chiropractors can treat every joint in the body, so do mention all areas of pain, stiffness etc when visiting a Chiropractor, and we will endeavour to resolve as much as we can.
Local injury such as whiplash, or as a result of dysfunction in other parts of the spine, usually responds very well to Chiropractic treatment and advice.
Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain can be very debilitating and costly if time off work is needed. Chiropractors can treat most types of lower back pain with good results.
Post Surgical
Some patients who have had surgery especially Orthopedic (e.g. knee replacements etc) can have Chiropractic treatment to help manage and reduce pain, increase recovery time and offer exercise advice.
Treating babies is very different from any other age, but with the right training it is extremely beneficial. The birthing process can be complicated and uncomfortable for the neonatal patient and this may require treatment to make the baby more comfortable. At this clinic a Free Spinal Screening on neonatal patients is offered if the parents have any concerns.
This can often be a time of low back and other pain. Pregnant ladies can have treatment all the way through their pregnancy, modified to suit their condition. Chiropractic can reduce discomfort, offer good postural advice e.g. sleeping positions etc.
In lots of cases even make the birth more comfortable for mother and baby. Jade Gillow-Hurd has completed courses to specifically treat pregnant patients and neonatal patients.