Your First Appointment

The initial visit will take about an hour; we will ask you to fill in a short form with your details and family history. This can be done by a family member, friend or carer in required cases, or our receptionist can help you.
The Chiropractor (Jade Gillow-Hurd) will then take you through to a private clinic room where she will ask about your case history.
For the examination you will be offered to change into a clinic gown, or patients have the choice to wear their own clothes, comfortable loose clothing is best, (e.g. shorts or leggings and top).
A diagnosis of the problem will be made and the preferred treatment will be explained to you before you sign consent and have your first treatment.
Referrals can be made where necessary, for tests i.e. X-rays.
There is always time to ask questions and discuss options with your Chiropractor.